Do These Three Simple Things Before Heading Out for School Drop-Off!
Summer is nearly over, and the kids are already lamenting the loss of their freedom. But just because a new school year is starting doesn’t mean the weather will cool automatically. August is one of the hottest months of the year! This means it’s time for parents to get back on their feet with a routine that includes waking up early and packing lunches for school bus rides – but there should be at least one-morning ritual every homeowner does before they head out the door to save money. Follow the three tips below to help save money while it’s still hot outside!
Shut Out the Sunlight
It’s time to shut out the sun with drawn curtains and closed blinds. The family cat may like to nap in these sunny nooks by the windows, but this pesky sunlight will also significantly heat a home’s temperature. This means more work from the air conditioner, which has already been working hard all summer long to keep the home cool.
One should pay special attention to those windows on the western-facing side of the home. These are the windows that got the most sun during the hottest part of the day. Shutting these blinds and curtains can do much to keep the house from heating up. The number of windows a house has is a big consideration when experts do a home’s energy audit or determine the correct AC size. Many homeowners are surprised at just how effective this easy tip is.
Raise the Temperature
The next tip on the list is best used in conjunction with closing the blinds and curtains. It’s all about raising the temperature on the thermostat during the daytime when people are at work and school. It’s amazing how many homeowners forget to do this one tip, and it can cost them a bundle over the year.
By raising the temperature from 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours a day, homeowners can save up to 10% off their yearly energy costs! And with the convenience of smart and programmable thermostats available today, this one doesn’t have to be done anew every day. Smart thermostats will often do this automatically once they “learn” that people aren’t home during the day.
Filter Stay on Top of Filter Replacement
The third and final tip on this list is that HVAC experts always talk about filter changes. Believe it or not, changing the air filter can help reduce energy costs. When the filter isn’t changed on time, it becomes clogged, making it harder for the AC system to circulate air through the home. Filters should be changed every 2 to 3 months to give the home’s HVAC system the help it needs to function correctly and efficiently for years to come.
About Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling
The friendly experts at Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling have been serving East Windsor, NJ since 2001. Their techs are always friendly and arrive in fully stocked trucks. They also offer upfront pricing and excellent customer service. Contact them to schedule an appointment for AC service today!