If you’ve been dealing with a minor heating system malfunction, you may think you can handle it on your own or wait to schedule heater repairs next season. Scheduling those repairs now, however, is important for a variety of reasons, including the following:
You’ll Forget About the Problem
It’s easy to put off and forget about an HVAC problem until it causes the system to fail altogether. While following tips for conserving body heat can keep you warmer in an emergency, it’s best to avoid those circumstances altogether by calling for prompt repairs.
The Issue Will Get Worse
The components in your heating system work together to provide heat. That means when one part starts to fail, it leads to cascading problems that damage other components.
Therefore, even if you don’t need an emergency heating repair for an immediate failure, scheduling repairs now can prevent the need for more costly repairs later on. You’ll protect the rest of the parts in the system with immediate service, and you may not even need to replace the affected component if you catch the malfunction while it is still minor.
Most Malfunctions Increase Energy Waste
Among the most common signs of furnace malfunctions is gradually increasing energy waste. Longer or more frequent heating cycles indicate a problem, and as the system continues to weaken, each of those cycles will burn more energy than the last. Fortunately, you can reverse your energy waste and avoid higher energy bills with a quick heater repair.
There’s Still Cold Weather Ahead
It might seem like winter is almost over, but there are still several more weeks ahead in which the outdoor temperature will stay low and potentially drop lower than you expect. A sudden cold front can adversely affect your indoor comfort if your heating system isn’t performing well, so it’s best to take steps toward repairing a heater now before you end up facing frigid temperatures. And since it’s mid-to-late season, your HVAC company may offer lower prices or discounts to make up for slower customer demand.
Prompt Repairs Will Protect Your Warranty
In addition to keeping up with maintenance, scheduling timely heater repairs will protect your warranty. Your HVAC equipment’s manufacturer won’t cover claims if it seems as though you’ve neglected your system. Even if it has been a few weeks since the malfunction started, scheduling repairs now might still be early enough to prevent warranty disputes.
You may even find that the malfunction resulted from a defective component, in which case, your HVAC technician can tell you whether your warranty provides coverage for its repair or replacement cost.
Restore Your Heating Performance With Reliable Repairs
Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling is an HVAC industry leader that provides a wide range of heating and cooling services. We use certified replacement parts that will last longer and provide “like-new” service. Trust our dedication to high-quality heater repair services when you’re experiencing any heating malfunction, and contact us to schedule repairs today!