The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises Americans to have their ductwork cleaned as needed. The appropriate time frame for duct cleaning depends on the household. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association estimates between two and five years for the average home. A more precise estimate depends on home size, resident and pet count, and whether any family members have allergies or asthma. There are many reasons that the NADCA recommends routine duct cleaning and air quality is chief among them.
Clean Ducts Help You Maintain Good Indoor Air Quality
Dust accumulation in your ductwork is inevitable. Seasonal HVAC maintenance and regular HVAC filter changes will undoubtedly slow the tide. But dust will still build up. What may surprise you is that dust is the number one contributor to poor indoor air quality. Dust is much more than just dirt. It’s an amalgamation of pollutants. It actually acts as a sponge that absorbs other contaminants, such as volatile organic compounds. It rereleases those impurities over time and actually extends their lifespans.
If your ducts have a layer of dust in them, your indoor air pollution levels will be higher. This is the reason behind the EPA recommendation. Dust also causes odors, and it is not easily accessible to be removed. Your home won’t smell as fresh. It may even smell bad, and those odors may be impossible to eliminate without duct cleaning.
When you have your ducts cleaned, your technician will use a long and flexible hose attached to an industrial vacuum. The technician will snake the hose through your ductwork. These systems have incredible suction. Not much precision is necessary for them to remove almost all of the dust present. This includes stubborn dust that is caked on and that you would need to scrub if cleaning by hand.
When Should You Schedule?
If you’ve never scheduled duct cleaning or can’t remember the last time, the NADCA recommends scheduling as soon as possible. Then, you should schedule again in two years. At that point, your technician will know how much dust accumulates in your ducts over this timeframe. Your technician can then provide you with a personalized recommendation. Having their ductwork cleaned every three years for a family of four with two dogs is not uncommon. A couple who lives alone will likely only need their ducts cleaned every five years.
Video Camera Inspection
Another reason the NADCA recommends duct cleaning as an essential service is to have your ducts inspected. Having your ducts assessed during every annual HVAC maintenance visit would be excessive. However, it is vital to have the service performed every several years or so. Before cleaning your ducts, your technician will use a video camera system. This process is to see the dust accumulation firsthand and spot any problem areas. It is also an opportunity to look for potential issues, such as gaps and damage. Your technician will also go into your attic or crawl space to inspect the ducts and any insulation and mounting hardware.
Reduced HVAC Performance
The NADCA also recommends regular duct cleaning because it can lead to reduced performance. HVAC manufacturers design their central systems to operate within an optimal static air pressure range. As dust and debris continue to build, static air pressure in ducts diminishes. This reduction can result in a wide range of issues. It can lower efficiency and lead to more expensive heating and cooling. It can also affect comfort. Lower static air pressure means weaker airflow. That can result in uneven heating or what is often referred to as cold spots and warm spots.
Longer HVAC Filter Life
Air conditioners, heaters, and heat pumps have an air filter that protects the unit’s internal components. It also captures airborne particles that would otherwise recirculate through your home. Homeowners should replace HVAC filters on a regular basis. Every three months is the usual recommendation, but it depends on the household. The more dust in a home, including in the ducts, the faster a filter will clog and need to be replaced. With clean ducts and regular dusting in a home, a good HVAC filter can last longer than three months. While a single HVAC filter isn’t a big expense, having to replace a filter monthly rather than every three months or more certainly adds up.
HVAC System Wear and Tear
Poor airflow in forced-air systems increases wear and tear on HVAC equipment. Impeded airflow makes heating and cooling systems work harder to keep a home comfortable. While changing out air filters when necessary plays a role in ensuring your equipment gets optimal airflow, clean ductwork is another important consideration. Dirty ducts can decrease the expected lifetime of your equipment and result in the need for more frequent repairs.
Pest Prevention
Clean ducts are not an attractive nesting spot for most pests, but dirty ducts can be. In fact, significant dust accumulation in ducts makes your home more prone to dust mites. It can also provide a breeding area for cockroaches. In the most severe cases, it can attract mice and even rats that will use the debris in dirty ducts along with other materials found in the home to nest.
Moisture Prevention
Your ducts should never get wet. Moisture in your ducts allows for biological growth that can lead to respiratory and other health issues. Your technician will check for moisture during the video inspection. While moisture in ducts isn’t common, it can occur due to gaps or leaks. If, for instance, you had a roof leak fixed, it’s a good idea to schedule duct cleaning to ensure that the ducts weren’t affected.
Slowing Dust Accumulation in Your Ducts
For pet owners, grooming and bathing your furry family members outside can reduce the amount of pet hair and dander that ends up in your ductwork. Dusting your home regularly also helps. The EPA recommends a deep dusting at least once a week. Dust rooms top to bottom using a microfiber duster. Pay closer attention to dust traps, such as a shelf of knickknacks. Then, vacuum the room using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. This type of high-efficiency particulate air filter will ensure that most of the dust is collected rather than redistributed.
You can also ask your HVAC technician about whole-house air purification systems. A professional can integrate one into your current HVAC system to improve indoor air quality. These systems will also eliminate dust and other airborne particulates from your home’s air that end up in your ductwork.
Your Local Duct Cleaners Serving Central New Jersey
If you need your ducts cleaned, Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling is here to help. Our company has been cleaning ducts in Hamilton Township, NJ and throughout the surrounding areas for more than a decade. You can also count on us for installation, maintenance, and repair of heating and cooling systems. These include gas and electric furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, steam and hot water boilers, and ductless mini-splits. Our team also installs and services whole-house dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and air purification systems. Call us today to schedule a service appointment or consultation or with any questions about our products and services.